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HD Recorders and Players
The AJA Ki-PRO is a unique recording device designed to streamline post production workflow by simplifying video acquisition. The unit features both SDI and HDMI inputs, making it compatible with most prosumer and professional cameras. The KiPRO takes advantage of Apple's ProRes technology for a seamless transition from "lens to post". The device records to high-capacity drives from a wide variety of cameras and will accept either the 500gb or 250gb drive for large or larger recording capacity and flexibility.
Ki-PRO is portable and rugged; designed for real production environments. With the optional exo-skeleton it can sit below your camera-out of the way of your battery adapters, wireless mics and other accessories. Integration with your other production gear is seamless.
Ki-PRO is intuitive to operate. Alongside the camera, the familiar VTR-like buttons provide immediate controls for basic operation. From a distance, use a web browser via ethernet or WiFi to control operations from a laptop or iPhone.
250GB and 500GB hard drive rented separately
PDF, Installation and Operation Guide, version 3.2
The AJA KI-STOR500-R0 is an HDD storage module specifically designed for use with the Ki Pro recording device. Rent as many drives as you need and simply swap them as needed. |
The AJA KI-STOR250-R0 is an HDD storage module specifically designed for use with the Ki Pro recording device. Rent as many drives as you need and simply swap them as needed. |
The AJA KI-EXO-R0 provides a surrounding chassis for the Ki-PRO that can both mount to a tripod and provide a mount for the camera on top. This combination allows convenient access to controls. |
Photos are for illustration only. Prices do not include
optional accessories or extra equipment that may be shown.